Sunday, September 27, 2009

USB 3.0

今天終於將 USB 3.0 的精隨, 也只是 Chapter 8 Protocol Layer 完整看完, 順便紀錄在我的網頁上.

是我考慮去寫一個中文版的 USB 3.0. 想順便練習一下寫文章.


就 .... 宅生活囉

又恢復到宅生活了, 有好有壞啦.

是有想過和同事一塊出去, 好久沒去台南囉. 不過同事幾乎都結婚要不然就是有女友囉. 單身的同事還說沒有妹妹就不去了. 這讓我無言啦. 連同學也是如此, 害我只能無言作罷.

接著就是在家看看書看看棒球囉. 要不然就是打打遊戲麻將之類的. 搞到連我老媽都來問我她們有烤肉團要不要參加 ....

不要叫我參加老人行的烤肉團啦, 我去那邊沒有什麼話題可言. 害我現在超想星期六去公司加班算了. 躲在家中看書寫程式也不好阿 ..... 難得有這個機會可以悠閒作事情.

不過看到毛毛在澳洲似乎出了一些狀況就 .... 心痛啦.

頭髮也應該要剪了, 過陣子在出去剪個頭吧.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bad Dream

在夢裡, 我和你一塊在外面找工作. 好像是在日本 ? 感覺就是一些服務生都很卑微的, 要跪著走 ... etc

和毛baby一家又一家的找, 可是一直都是不好的. 後來有一位服務生跑過來和我們說要怎麼作才好 ...

於是毛baby要我在外面一作廟那裡等她, 我就先離開了. 可是等了好久都沒有看到你, 我就跑進去找人, 找了好久好久好久好久還是沒有看到.

最後好久好久, 我跑去和別人借手機, 為何我沒帶手機 ? 可是一直撞牆. 最後看到公共電話亭, 趕快打了過去, 聽到毛 baby 很著急在掉眼淚 ......

夢也醒了, 醒來第一件事情就是找毛 baby

Sunday, September 20, 2009


下午終於可以和毛寶寶通視訊了, 還是 Lucky 毛聰明多了. 不過我的 MIC 怪怪的

要趕快把他修好才行 ....

全身又充滿動力啦 . 要繼續努力衝衝衝

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sydney Wildlife World

Sydney Wildlife World is a zoo in the city of Sydney, Australia officially opened in September 2006. It is located on the shores of Darling Harbour and is attached to Sydney Aquarium.

Opening Hours:
Sydney Wildlife World is open 9am – 5.30pm every day of the year (with last ticket sales at 5pm).

Location: Aquarium Pier (right next to Sydney Aquarium) Darling Harbour NSW 2000, Australia

Walk: 5–10 minute walk from CBD down Market Street
Monorail:Exit the monorail from Darling Park station
Light Rail:Exit the light rail from either the Convention or Pyrmont Bay stations
Train: A short walk from Town Hall station
Ferry: Disembark at Aquarium Pier
Bus: Sydney Explorer Bus Stop No 24

Interactive Schedule (Feeding Time)
Kangaroo Feeds
Location: Semi Arid area
Time: 11am - 3pm

Koala Talks
Location: Rooftop Encounters
Time: For half an hour at: 11.30am, 12pm, 12.40pm, 1.40pm and 2.30pm

Reptile Talks
Location: Conservation Area (opposite Top Level Butterflies)
Time: Every half an hour from 12pm-4pm

Bird Feeds
Location: Upper Level Birds
Time: 10am-2pm

Butterfly Release and Feed
Location: Top Level Butterflies
Times: Butterfly release: 11.30am, Butterfly feed: 3pm

Cassowary Feed
Location: Cassowary Exhibit
Time: 10.30am

Next scenic spot is "Blue Mountain National Park". I hope this is not a mountain-climbing trip.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


之前已經和小老闆談了許久, 一直都沒有得到回應. 我想起了去年我來到這邊的心願. 因為我想實現我的小小願望. 其實也沒有多大啦. 可是如今已經和當時的情形已應有點變調了. 我也嚐試把原本作的更好. 只是想起我的心願, 我其實有點不太習慣.

我想做我可以作的東西, 我不想做取代性極高的工作. 因為目前的東西請大學生來作也是有辦法將他做好. 只是公司沒有人願意做, 也比較少人會作, 所以我接下了這份工作.

你懂嗎 ? 毛.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

SimCity 4 Introduction

SimCity 4 之前已經想玩的遊戲. 不過一直找不到使用手冊. 最後終於找到了. 所以就開始慢慢研究這本薄薄的英文. 以下是 Introduction.

Welcome to a world you create - SimCity 4! Whether you are an experienced Mayor(市長), or are just entering the world of city planning and politics(政治), SimCity4 offers unparalleled(無比的) opportunities to create the metropolis(大都市)s of your dreams. Or, if you prefer(更喜歡/寧願), you can destroy that visionary(夢幻的) city with a fiery(燃燒的) meteor(流星) shower. The possibilities are endless(無盡的).

Are you a Mayor who yearns(渴望) to be loved by your citizenry(市民), or one whose name instills(逐漸灌輸) fear in Sims's hearts? Does your vision(夢想) include building an industrial empire(帝國), a sleepy agrarion(農耕的) community, or a cutting edge eco-friendly(生態的) metropolis? With Simcity4, your power extends from the god-like creation of mountainscapes to the adjustment of funding levels at a local elementary school. And why stop at playing a single city? SimCity4 lets you design and play interdependent(互動的) cities within a region. Create a heavily commercial(商業的) metropolis surrounded by upscale(高檔的) suburbs(近郊) and farming(農業的) communities, or a region of smaller, specialized towns that depend upon each other for shared resources. Don't get too carried away with your newfound powers, though. Just because you can plop the Great Sphinx(獅身人面像) in a downtown park or cause lightning(閃電)to strike(攻擊) a particularly despised(看不起的/鄙視的) business does not make you a successful mayor. To keep your city running smoothly, you need to make it prosperous and a desirable place for your Sims to live.

You'll know if your city is a place where Sims hope to establish family trees. They tell you. They'll let you know that the nearby clinic is having problems, or that they are very happy with the new restaurant on the nearby block. If you raise taxes, they may complain. If they live near a source of unchecked pollution, they'll get sick. If they can't get a job, they'll move out of the city altogether! In the ideal city, your Sims will work hard, die peacefully at a ripe(成熟的) old age, and pass the torch(光芒) to the next generation.

With SimCity4, you are able to import your favorite Sims from The Sims to live in your city! If you haven't created your own Sims, we've pprovided some individuals for you to follow as they give you the inside scoop(洞穴) on what's jappening in their neck(海峽) of the woods.

Sims are not your only source of information. You can spend a lot of time just touring(巡視) in wonder(奇觀). As night falls, street lights illuminate(照射) neighborhood sidewalks. Buildings in neglected(棄置的) areas of town deteriorate(使..惡化), but their condition improves if the area hits an economic upturn(使..向上). You hear the strident(刺耳的) voices of striking workers, and the happy bustle(使..忙碌) of kids going to school - and see all the minivans(小卡車) dropping those kids off(讓..下車) as the day begins! Populate(移民到..) your landscape with herds(牧群) of wild animalls and you may encounter a herd of elk(駝鹿) making their way through town. At every level, your city gives you information about how your decisions are affecting the lives of your citizens.

Be a hardworking(努力工作的) saint(教徒) of a Mayor, or inflict(給於處罰) evils of the world on your poor, unsuspecting Sims. Either way, every decision you make will have lasting implications(涵義). With experience, and Sims squawking(大聲抗議) with advice and opinions along th way, it won't be long before you are the Mayor of your dreams.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


小酒窩長睫毛 是你最美的記號
我每天睡不著 想念你的微笑
你不知道 你對我多麼重要

小酒窩長睫毛 迷人的無可救藥
我放慢了步調 感覺像是喝醉了
一輩子暖暖的好 我永遠愛你到老

最近聽到這首歌都會讓我很窩心,反而是聽到Jay Chou的歌會讓我反感. 為何 ?? 以下說明給你聽

因為有一次和毛去看演唱會,可是愛逞強的毛腳受傷了,可是卻不讓我知道.最後腳腫了一個大包包.所以最近聽到Jay Chou的音樂都有點排斥

有時候會發呆, 然後就會想起某人. 你在做什麼 ? 你還會踢被子嗎 ? 晚上天氣會冷. 被子要蓋多一點. 還有別忘記了, 在台灣還有某個人在這裡等妳, 等妳, 等妳.


本週到銀行辦了約定帳戶的事情. 希望週一毛毛會收到匯款了.

另外買到了電子用體重計, 拿回家試用. 結果我變到 77.2 了. 約定的 70 我會努力努力的.

行李也作一個 list. 之後要整理會比較方便.

然後最重要的是幫毛毛照片加上註解. 這個我目前最在行了.


然後努力適應夏天. 冷氣溫度開始調整到常溫以上. 因為要適應之後澳洲的高溫.


有一陣子感覺我心悸怪怪的. 曾經有一次發現我早上起來有點喘不口氣的感覺. 我果然要多運動了.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


早上睡到很自然的清醒. 最近應該有很多機會可以這樣做吧. 這個週末會繼續將公司的資料Survey完整,然後看幾部片子.其他則是打打SimCity Game,看看幾部片子.最近又抓了幾部片子.

當然還有看棒球啦. 過陣子要找個機會去球場吶喊一下了 ......

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



我只好在那裡等待你的身影,卻始終看不到人.我慌了 ......... 夢也就醒了.
